Sunday, February 22, 2009

Style in the City

In honor of Matt being gone this past weekend, I rented "Sex In the City" the movie. I'm definitely not the biggest fan in the world, but I had been interested in seeing it. I mostly enjoyed the fashion throughout the movie. I must say, Carrie's closet is somewhat of a dream of mine. Anyway, I absolutely oggled over all of the fabulous fashion in the movie. Here were some of my favorites...

The first is Carrie's studded belt. It makes many appearances throughout the movie and is super cute. It's supposedly a one of a kind vintage find, but there are many available replicates. Also, great hat in this pic.

To the left are some fabulous Dior gladiator heels which she also wears throughout the whole film...see, even fancy NYC writers re-wear the same thing over and over! :-)

I also love Carrie's vintage floral dress...Not sure about the bubble bottom thing going on, but everything else is super cute.
I know I'm probably the last girl in the US to see this movie, but it definitely did not disappoint on the fashion side of things!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fun with the English language

While I was reading the latest Reader's Digest, I came across this interesting article. It's about these guys who travel the country correcting America's grammar faux pas and typos. I wish this was my job, especially after spotting a large sign in Tucson that read "Gem and Mineal Show"! See the article below.

Righting Wrong Writing
Heroically persnickety typo crusaders set the United States straight.
By Lance Contrucci
Reader's Digest
The scene of the crime: Madison, Wisconsin. Acting on a hot tip, Jeff Deck pulled down his dark fedora and headed to Brennan's Market with partner Benjamin Herson. "The store was pretty clean," Deck says, "but then we saw it." In the fruit section. A crime of omission. Deck and Herson approached a young woman who was making signs.

"Excuse me, ma'am," said Deck, 28, all business. "I'm a professional typo hunter and fixer. The sign for Washington apples is missing an n. It reads 'Washigton.'"
She gave the pair the once-over, shrugged, and went back to her signs. "We can fix it ourselves," Deck said. "I have my typo-correction kit right here." (Deck carries the kit with him at all times, even to weddings.) "Oh, no. We have a special marker for the signs," she said.

Deck and Herson went off by themselves and quietly debated changing it without permission—a bold move they don't like to make unless absolutely necessary. (A Los Angeles man threatened to call the police after he caught them adding an apostrophe to a "Cars Will Be Towed at Owners Expense" sign.) They asked another employee, who cheerfully gave them permission to insert the missing n. "It was the classic if-Mom-says-no-ask-Dad move," Deck says.

With his fedora and gritty determination, Deck has been dubbed the Indiana Jones of typos. The founder of the Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL), Deck spent much of last year on the 2008 Typo Hunt Across America, a correctional odyssey that has taken him and an assortment of friends from coast to coast in a 1997 Nissan, righting wrong writing on signs as small as bulletin board notices and as big as billboards. Sleeping in tents or friends-of-friends' couches, Deck spent the year living on Pop-Tarts and pancakes as he stalked the wild gaffe.

Crossing into Arizona from New Mexico, they jumped over a barbed wire fence and ran across an expanse of cactus-strewn scrubland to eliminate the apostrophe in a billboard advising tourists to bring their "camera's.""That was a big one," Deck says. "That apostrophe was about the size of my head." At an Office Depot in Texas, Deck and Herson spotted a number of erroneous signs, all nine feet high. Their friend and host Paula advised them to commandeer a rolling stepladder and change the signs themselves. "I worked at an Office Depot for five years," she said. "They won't care." (They didn't.)

Deck was raised in New Hampshire, graduated from Dartmouth with a degree in creative writing, and spent a couple of years in Washington, D.C., at Rocks & Minerals magazine. He realized his true calling at a Dartmouth reunion in 2007. "There were classmates curing cancer, and I was doing nothing," he remembers. "I started thinking about how I could change the world in my humble way."Deck never contemplated a life of crime, though. At the Grand Canyon, he and Herson corrected a folksy-looking sign, adding a comma and changing womens' to women's. (Miraculously, they resisted the urge to fix emense.) The National Park Service was not impressed. It turned out the sign was created in the 1930s by a celebrated architect (and lousy speller). Though nothing indicated the sign's historic importance, the government pressed charges. Deck and Herson agreed to pay $3,035 to restore the sign and to stay out of national parks for a year.

Forbidden from discussing the details of the case until August, the good-guy grammar outlaws will likely be back. And they're hopeful. After all, grammar and spelling are just one way to look at the world, Deck says, and "America is lax about only a few points."

Anyway, here's a little grammar joke for you too.

A harried man runs into his physician's office. "Doctor! Doctor! My wife's in labor! But she keeps screaming, 'Shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't, can't!'"

"Oh, that's okay," says the doctor. "She's just having contractions."

I know, corny...but it made me laugh.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is Calexico??

Click below to see Where in the World Calexico is!!

Also on this map are the other locations I travel to...don't worry, I fly everywhere except Calexico. (My home is point "A"),+AZ&daddr=Calexico,+CA+to:El+Paso,+TX+to:Albuquerque,+NM&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=32.833443,-113.236084&sspn=4.485726,9.84375&ie=UTF8&ll=33.312168,-110.994873&spn=9.359846,19.6875&z=6

it begins...

I've decided to start a blog. I know, I'm like 3 years late jumping on the whole "blog wagon", but nevertheless, here it is!
My url pretty much explains it all: abby gabbing. That's all it's going to be, so if you are looking for something're not going to find it here!
I'll be writing whatever I can, whenever I can...probably mostly random thoughts. If you have anything to add, please do so! I'm still trying to master this blog layout thing, so hopefully it will get more visually appealing soon.
Anyway, let the fun begin!!

Thank you to my first readers!!